Celebrating over 30 years
While wallpaper can be a great option to cover a wall’s imperfections with unique textures and patterns, it’s also a fairly dated option.
In 2017, it’s all about sleek, chic, well-painted walls in beautiful colors.
Wallpaper durability varies. What doesn’t vary and will maintain its beauty for years to come is a fantastic paint job. Have wallpaper that doesn’t fit what your new vision for your renovation, apartment or new home? It’s time to opt for wallpaper removal.
Not only will you save time by having your walls painted, you’ll save money. Beautiful paint jobs can be performed at a fraction of the cost that messy, hard to install wallpaper does.
Here’s why you should have your wallpaper removed:
Wallpaper removal before painting will ensure that you have better quality and longer-lasting results from your new paint job. Painting over wallpaper is not advisable, as it isn’t a good foundation for your new paint job.
The seams where the rows line up on a previous wallpaper job will definitely show through if you decided to paint over the wallpaper. What’s more, if the wallpaper on your wall has bold colors or patterns, you might end up spending more money on paint because you’ll have to paint over the paper multiple times to cover it.
If you’re opting for a paint job, getting rid of your wallpaper is essential because the moisture in the paint can loosen the wallpaper’s adhesive, which will cause parts of the paper to bubble or completely detach from the wall.
Wallpaper comes in a variety of patterns, colors, and textures. But, perhaps you want a sleek, modern design that is visually appealing and offers a clean look to the eye.
Wallpaper removal is a good choice when you want to open up your space with neutral tones of paint. Leave the texturized elements to your rugs and furniture. Let your walls breathe in neutral tones and let those who live in the home be the added vibrant energy and set the temperature for the room.
In 2017, keep your paint job simple. Consider dark colors for large bedrooms to create a modern, cozy feel. Use lighter colors in your kitchen and bathrooms. Have a small foyer or hallway? Expand the space with beige or grey, or combine the two for a “greige”.
If you are looking to resale your property, then stripping your walls of wallpaper is essential for every room in the house. A home that is heavily wallpapered looks lived in. If you want to sell your home quickly, make it look like a clean slate with beautiful paint jobs that are simple and inviting.
Wallpaper removal can help you sell your home quickly as you let your potential buyers envision what they want on your freshly painted walls.
Painting a home and removing the wallpaper has many benefits. It offers an updated, clean look while leaving your walls open for interpretation from potential buyers. Simplify your home’s look with neutral paint jobs.
When you are ready for the paint job of your home’s dreams, contact us today !
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